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Hey! Hay Fever Season. Chinese Medicine Tips To Help YOU! Spring into Spring!

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Hi Everyone,

I hope you are well! I thought I would share some useful tips because I love helping people in any way I can :)

This blog will focus on Hay Fever and what you can at home to hopefully help with Hay Fever. Maybe you need complementary care between Chinese Medicine Treatments? Or Just need help with your Hay Fever? Any questions, contact me at Northwood Clinic.

According to Chinese Medicine.........

* Spring Season : connects to the Wood element and the Liver Organ.

*Both Spring and the Wood element are frequently linked with rejuvenation and new growth. Hence, gorgeous flowers blossoming and baby animals being born!

* The time for hibernation and taking things slower during the colder months is now over. Giving rise to transformation and getting out and about.

*The liver energy is often about ' insight' and 'new vision'. This may apply emotionally or physically to your life. For example, thinking about moving? Changing jobs? Or maybe just making more time to see friends.

Hey Hay Fever!

Hay fever may arise if your immune system is not working productively and is not strong enough to fight off the irritation caused by pollen. Chinese Medicine may express this as stuck Liver energy which may cause the body to over-react in the presence of pollen.

*Some common signs your immune system may be weak, include; sneezing, runny nose, lethargy, foggy head, heavy limbs etc.

* However, if your liver is over reactive, symptoms such as agitation (especially when it is windy), red eyes which may also be irritated and/or itchy and the throat and head may also have issues.

**Most often hayfever will be a combination of both of the above presentations, however one will usually be dominant.

Spring Clean? Start Small Even!

* This is not always about going through your wardrobe. Change can be subtle yet still effective.

* It is often the case to change old habits if they are not adding anything positive to your life. Instead, replace with healthy new habits. For example, the liver also relates to the morning, rising early may be the type of change your body will thank you for in Spring. Your health may too!

* The energy of the Liver is to move up and outwards.

Signs of Emotional and/or Physical Disharmony in the Liver According to TCM

* Sometimes if there is problems or a blockage in the liver (physical or emotional) problems may occur. For example, this may lead to emotional outbursts, stress/anxiety, mood swings, agitation or emotional stagnation/repressed emotions. This may also be expressed emotionally such as; frustration,anger and repression or trouble expressing emotions.

So how can Chinese Medicine (CM) Help?

* For thousands of years CM has been attempting to help hay fever sufferers using Acupuncture and/or Chinese Herbs with customised lifestyle advice.

* Number of Treatments: may depend upon the severity and duration of hay fever, also the level of pollen in the air.

**However, patients may see hay fever symptoms subside after one treatment and further more with a few weekly/fortnightly treatments. Even a month worth of treatments may see a difference.

Other Lifestyle Advice

* Triggers: windy weather, ceiling fans and many household fans.

* Air conditioning may be a trigger.

* Drink lots of water! This is an easy and effective method which may help with hay fever.

* Maybe, try not to mow the lawn as often and moderate gardening Activities ).

If you have any further questions please leave a comment below or contact me at Northwood Clinic!

Hope You Enjoyed my Blog :)

Blog Soon,

Dr Rebecca Dabscheck (Chinese Medicine Practitioner)

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