Northwood Clinic of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Sydney
Frequently Asked Questions
Acupuncture is Performed Gently at Northwood Clinic of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Lane Cove Sydney. Insertion of the Acupuncture Needles is Very Gentle with NO Manipulation (pushing the needle in deeply or thrusting the needle up and down etc) while having the same therapeutic effects!
Can I claim services provided at Northwood Clinic with my Private Health Fund?
Please bring your health care card with you for each appointment.
*please contact your health fund prior to treatment, to ensure your health fund covers the service provided (most health funds do!). Also, please be aware your health fund only allows a certain amount of money dedicated to these modalities annually. Thank you.
If there is any technological issues following the treatment. For example, health fund is down, full payment is required and you will need to call up your health fund to claim the allocated amount. No worries :)
Do you have a HICAPS Terminal at Northwood Clinic?
Yes, A HICAPS Terminal is Available for on the spot Health Fund claiming.
(Some Health Funds require written receipts only e.g HCF).
Is Free Parking Available?
There is lots of off street parking available. No Meter Parking. If you need to park in premises garage, please ask prior to doing so, to check its availability.
How do I pay for my treatment(s) at Northwood Clinic?
Cash, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard (Credit or Direct Debit).
Does Acupuncture hurt? Will I feel any pain?
Needle insertion is often pain free. Very fine disposable needles are used.
However, sometimes a minimal dull, achey, tingling or itching sensation may be felt upon insertion of the needle for 1-2 seconds. Often patients report a feeling of calm and relaxation after needles are inserted. Try not to compare acupuncture pain with the pain felt during a blood test. It is not anywhere near as painful or compareable.
Are the needles disposable (single use) - used once and put into sharps container?
How Deep are Acupuncture Needles Inserted?
The needles are inserted very shallow (1-3 millimetres approx). Patients will be advised if deeper insertion is necessary.
I am needle phobic, I am not joking, the site of blood makes me queasy! However, I hear Acupuncture is proven to be very effective? What can you suggest?
No problems, please ask for alternative solutions. Such as, Chinese Herbs or Moxa. One day, when your ready, you can try acupuncture.
Can bruising occur after an Acupuncture treatment?
Yes, bruising may occur and some possible redness. Please advise the practitioner if you have a special occasion to attend. Consult a medical professional on how to heal the bruise more rapidly. If there are any concerns please seek medical attention immediately.
Should I Eat Prior to Treatment?
Yes, it is recommended to eat before a treatment.
What Clothes Should I Wear?
Loose fitting clothing is recommended. This provides quicker access to areas which need examination or treatment. This is a recommendation only.
What if I have to Cancel My Appointment?
No problems, either call/voicemail or send an SMS that you will not be able to make your appointment. Preferably 24 hours prior. Hope to see you again soon.
My Friend said to me she can feel tired after acupuncture treatments, is this okay?
Yes, in most cases this is a very normal occurrence. Particularly after your first consultation you may feel light headed or very tired. Make sure to take it easy and try and have a sleep afterwards. Try booking your appointment later in the day. Alternatively, if you have a lunchtime meeting book in early to calm the nerves.
I was telling my Mother to get acupuncture as a natural approach to address her health problems? Is there any chance of side effects or adverse events?
In most cases, acupuncture is proven to be safe and an adverse reaction is very unlikely to occur.
Of course, if the patient has had a trauma/accident, post surgery or taking a new medication this may increase the chance of an adverse event occurring. Please advise the practitioner.
I am a fully qualified TCM practitioner, this should reduce the likely hood of adverse events occuring.
My Grandmother would like to buy some Chinese Herbs to hopefully be able to reduce the amount of medication she takes as directed by her Doctor. Is this okay?
By taking the patients history in the consultation it will hopefully identify and address any issues of concern. However, caution is always taken when prescribing Chinese Herbs to clients. However, many patients whom take various medications also take Chinese Herbs without any issues.
I dont know much about Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially Acupuncture. How does it work?
There are many benefits of TCM and Acupuncture especially. TCM is based on research and evidence based, with various studies to show its effectiveness. Check out the videos I have posted on this website for more information. Alternatively, book an appointment to discuss some of the benefits of TCM in greater detail or send me an email to answer your questions.